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All Articles

All articles by date in reverse chronological order:

Estrategias para controlar la niebla cerebral.

Abordaje médico y de automanejo para dormir mejor.

Abordaje medicamentoso y de automanejo para aliviar el dolor.

La fatiga puede tener muchas causas. Aprende cómo luchar con una combinación de estrategias.

Esta serie describe las opciones terapéuticas más importantes para cuatro de los síntomas más prominentes de SFC y fibromialgia: fatiga, dolor, dormir mal y problemas cognitivos. Este artículo resume un abordaje global para el manejo de los síntomas.

How to use timers, pedometers, heart rate monitors and other devices.

How to use personalized rules and guidelines.

Last of three articles on using pacing to avoid relapses caused by special events such as travel and the holidays.

Why a little overdoing can trigger a relapse.

Three new ways to find connections between what you do and your symptoms.

A review of Toni Bernhard’s Buddhist-inspired guide to living with chronic illness.

What bereavement research teaches about successful grieving.

Five strategies for preventing a collapse while away from home.

How to develop a detailed understanding of your limits. (Second of two articles.)

Tips from a prominent CFS/FM physician.

How to locate a physician, plus tips on making relationships with doctors more productive.

Nine things to remember if you are taking care of someone with CFS or FM.

Practical strategies for better family communication.

Redistributing household tasks, financial adjustments, adapting socializing and finding a “new normal.”

A review of Fred Friedberg's book on using lifestyle change to treat fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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